Donations to PPSC

PPSC is a 501 C (3) non-profit organization. We welcome in-kind and cash donations of all sizes from both individuals and corporations. Any contribution is fully deductible to the degree permitted by tax law. Your options include:

Individual Donations

Donate Online
If you’d like to donate via PayPal, simply click the “Donate Button” above or Click Here.

Donate via Venmo
If you’d like to donate via Venmo, please Venmo us at “@ppsc-org” or Click Here.

Donate with Check by Mail
If you’d like to mail a check, please complete this form and mail your completed form and check to PPSC at:

80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 903A
New York, NY 10011

Matching Gift Donations

If you or your spouse are employed by a company that provides matching gifts for donations made to non-profits, an easy way to double your individual donation would be to complete the matching gift contribution form which your HR department will provide upon request. Complete their form and send with your donation to:

80 Fifth Avenue, Suite #903A
New York, NY 10011.

Honorary or Memorial Gift Donations & Requests

Any of the above donations can be made in honor or memoriam, or directed toward a specific use. In these cases, please use the “memo” line to designate your intention. If you have questions about your donation, please contact us at

** If you are interested in donating to the PPSC Refugee Support Project, please visit this donation page, or use any of the above approaches, specifying PPSC RSP in your donation memo. **

your support is greatly appreciated